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Custom LEGO Spinosaurus (Iron Builder)

I love watching Iron Builder. The creations are always so great. This Round (5.0 round 2) the part that the contestants had to use was the duplo grass piece. As soon as I saw it, I knew I could build a Spinosaurus. Pate Keetongu built and posted his robot dinosaur for Iron Builder after I was well into building my model. I did not have the piece in Green, but I had it as fire in orange, so I used that. I think that this model would look just as good with a green spine.

Day 1: I started with the tail because I thought "How hard could it be?"Then I started the body. I kept almost nothing of the original design.

Day 2: I completed the head and the neck. The head is almost Identical to what I ended up using.

Day 3: I built some prototype legs. They are very similar in concept to what I ended up using, but I took out some joints to make it easier to pose.

The final product looks good to me. It gives the creature that reptilian look I was hoping for. The Grass piece for Iron Builder was used to a good effect. My Grandfather thought it must be a set because "What else would that peice be used for?" I had to develop a new hand technique using 2 sets of binoculars to put short claw pieces into. Other builds had just one, but the spinosaurus had 3 claws.It is fairly poseable. The Tail has a ball joint at it's base and 2 other hinges mounted so that the tail can move up and down. The head has 2 ball joints in the neck and a clip hinge for the Jaw. The arms have a ball joint at the top and clip hinges for the elbow and wrist. The Legs have a friction jeg for the top and a click hinge at the knee and partway through the foot. The middle toe is on a clip hinge.

Stay tuned for more pictures of the Jurassic Park Jeep and the custom Gyrosphere!

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