I built this duo with the intention of them being as thin and lean as possible. I think I was able to capture the shaped correctly. The...
LEGO Troodons
I recently built this pair of Troodons. They are both built similarly. I wanted them to be recongnised as dinosaurs, even though they are...
LEGO Triceratops
I built a Triceratops based around my styracosaurus build. I connected the horns differently using a great peice I did not have many of...
Lego Pteranodon
I like pterosaurs and I was exited to build a Pteronodon. The wings are very poseable and on ball joints and unlike my Quetzalcoatlus...
LEGO T-rex
I built a LEGO T-rex skeloton for the Paulville Museum of Paleontology and I wanted to build a T-rex of the same proportions. It is a...
Baby LEGO Parasaurolophus
I wanted to build this cute dinosaur at a smaller scale. It uses a few illegal connections for the feet, but the whole (little) thing is...
LEGO Stegosaurus
I wanted my favorite dinosaur built in my favorite color. I used a fun technique to make ball joints using double vertical clips and ball...
LEGO Ankylosaurus
I wanted to make my Ankylosaurus as bulky and posable as I could. The neck has two ball joints and each leg has a posable knee. The tail...
LEGO Styracosaurus
I wanted a new color scheme for my Styracosaurus and I had recently bought lots of pink 1x2 plates so I used these to make it. The head...
LEGO Parasaurolophus
After visiting LEGOLAND earlier this year, I wanted to build a parasaurolophus with the color scheme of the one near the Coastersaurus....